Jbl Serial Number

2020. 2. 17. 13:37카테고리 없음

Hi,pls have a look to my thread from Febr. 2004HPThanks Hoffmann,I didn't find your thread when I searched for 'serial numbers'.But it's obvious that the response here has been positively lukewarm!Well, I proceed undeterred.If someone thinks it's pointless they don't need to participate,but enough numbers could eventually generate some useful information.If you're ever at a point where you have the serial numbers for your vintage system at hand please post them here.Since we are trying to establish a correlation between serial numbers/model numbers/years of manufacture I would propose only two types of posting:1.

Jbl Pulse Serial Number


Speaker systems or parts that are accompanied by a dated receipt from the original dealer, or some other factory/dealer date (quality check slip, inspected by.). These would be as close as we'd get to a Gold Standard, of course they'll be exceptionally rare.2. Speaker systems that include all their original parts, which would have been produced at the same time. Enough of these would eventually build up a picture of the progression of serial numbers/model numbers as products were introduced and discontinued over the years. Combining this info with known dates of short-lived models would give us some rough landmarks in the time line.Other Suggestions:Pictures add some info (material, shape and postion of the model number/serial number lable can be deciphered by some experts), but please don't make them too big.Even if you include a picture in the post please write out the information in text. This will allow the posts to be searchable for the info.As a search aid I would suggest a format like:(model) 'serial number' (the actual number)examples:olympus serial number 55555555 from 1963LE85 serial number 5555555So one could search specifically for 'olympus serial number' making the high-lighted 'hits' easier to spot in the thread.I'll post a couple of my original (I believe) systems to the thread next week. What's about this.HPPS: If you want, send me your inputI would like to see columns for the system components and their serial numbers as well.Sounds like we need an editable/expandable table on the site.Can we get a page, or a post that stays permanently editable?In the meantime I would urge anyone to post here original speaker system or component serial numbers which they have been able to conclusively date,or original systems containing multiple components/serial numbers that were made at the same time.I did this for one of my systems:pictures of the lables are a help if you have them.